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In the fast-paced world we operate in, continuous learning is key. It's a win-win when we can develop our skills while contributing more significantly to our workplace. Recognising this, many organisations have embraced the importance of continued professional development and often allocate a budget to support this very cause.


Do you work in such a company? If so, we have prepared a template to help you request for educational reimbursement for the SPEAKR. Academy. This could be your chance to undertake the program without the financial burden falling solely on you. By demonstrating how your participation in the program can bring value to your company, you might just find they're willing to invest in your growth.


Find below a template you can use as a starting point to draft a message to your employer.

Hi {manager},

There's a program called SPEAKR. Academy that I'd love to enrol in. 
This 12-module program delves into mastering effective communication skills, encompassing areas like articulate speaking, persuasive negotiation, and confident public speaking.


Enrolling in this program would significantly enhance my skillset, aligning perfectly with our team's and company's goals.


The program offers direct access to seasoned communication experts and a rich repository of over 100 video modules and extensive resources. The knowledge and techniques taught in SPEAKR. Academy are crafted by professionals well-versed in various aspects of effective communication.


I believe that participating in this program aligns with our commitment to ongoing professional development. The skills and strategies I would acquire are not only immediately applicable to my role but also beneficial for team-wide enhancement. After completing the course, I plan to share key insights and strategies with our team, thereby amplifying the value of this investment.


The cost of the course is $997 USD, and I am confident that this investment will yield substantial returns in improved communication strategies and team dynamics.


For more information about SPEAKR. Academy and its offerings, you can visit their website here:


I would really appreciate your thoughts on this proposal and am hopeful for the company's support in this educational endeavour.


Thank you for considering this request.


Best regards,
{Your Name}



Find below a template you can use as a starting point to draft a message to your employer.

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